Thursday, July 14, 2011

House Tour: Guest Bedroom

So you guessed it, here is the new guest bedroom!  (To see more of our home, check out our other rooms.  The master bedroom is here, the entryway is here, Bella's bedroom is here, and the classroom is here.)

Here is the room we now use as a guest bedroom before, when we were househunting:

And here is a similar shot later in the day on 7/7/11:

We love the view we're able to offer guests of the river, and the silk curtains can be closed, which makes the room really comfy for taking a nap midday (I'm looking at you Nanny and Papa!) or for sleeping in.

Here are a few more shots of the room.

The big dachshund print was nice to take up some space on that huge empty wall, but hopefully we'll eventually find something more appropriate.

We also took some time to put a bunch of travel sized shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and oral hygiene supplies in separate little cloth containers in the linen closet with the towels in case one of our guests forgets something.  Plus, it's nice to feel that hoarding all those little bottles will actually seem classy at some point.

So there is the guest bedroom, who's coming to visit next?  How many little bottles of shampoo and such do you have hoarded away?

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