Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bella's First Musical - Lion King

As part of Bella's birthday present this year we took her to see The Lion King at the Providence Performing Arts Center.  Entry into the theater produced the expected gasp of amazement. (This theater is pretty spectacular)  And we found our seats and apologized to every one around us in advance just in case.  We had a long talk about how it's not a television so she had to stay quiet so the actors could concentrate and how we would clap for them when they were done.

The lights went down and I put her on my lap so she could see and she sat there in rapt amazement for pretty much the whole first half.  She clapped when everyone else clapped and I was immensely proud.  Then came the sad scene, where Mustafa falls into the gorge and dies (hope that wasn't a spoiler for anyone) and Simba is crying over him.  The theater was utter silence except for one baby down in the front and our daughter bursts into applause yelling "YAAAAAAY' at the top of her lungs.  Of course this was followed by a good round of laughter from our section of the theater.  A great memory to have.

She sat for almost the whole show and only got antsy toward the end.  Overall a great experience.  I look forward to taking her to shows for many years to come.

So what about you?  Have you ever taken your child to a live production (play, musical, concert)?  What's your favorite memory from it?

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